Experience the new standard of seamless bookings

Create truly converTing booking experiences

What we do

Avenala Technologies enables hospitality companies to work through existing technology and innovation by providing high-performance distribution systems integration services to enhance the customer experience and reservation efficiency.

Avenala Technologies integration automates and ultimately simplifies the complex reservation processes by enhancing the experience and putting the power of choice in the customer’s hands.

avenala solutions

Avenala offers multiple integration options for Hospitality companies to create converting reservation experience where customer never have to leave your website

Booking Engine – Post bookings

Avenala Technology allows table booking system to be integrated into hotel booking system. Integration triggers table booking option to customer when room booking is finalized. Customer’s booking details are moved cross systems which creates a seamless booking experience

Booking Engine – Package bookings

Avenala Technology has option to create additional booking flow to enable package (e.g. Room + dinner) bookings where systems are integrated, and customer booking experience is seamless.

Customer Communication - Marketing integrations

Avenala Technology allows creation of dynamic linking. This enables customers to integrate Avenala booking technology to all customer communication with tracking and privacy.

About us

Avenala Technologies Oy was founded early 2021 for the great need of better digital customer reservation experience. The disconnections between multiple systems customers need to use to be able to purchase desired services creates major inefficiencies for the companies and frustrates the customers.

Avenala’s integration technology relieves customers of using multiple reservation systems to complete the purchase of all services and hospitality operators of the time required by multiple reservation solutions integrations while delivering high customer experience, margin revenue and a substantial ROI.

By integrating hotel and restaurant reservation systems, Avenala streamlines customers experience and generates more revenue.  

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For more details regarding Avenela Technologies and the options please send us a note.