privacy policy

Last updated 9 MArch 2022

Name of the data file

Avenala Technologies Oy Customer Database

Purpose of maintaining the data file

Personal data is collected for the purposes of customer relationship management, customer service, event organisation, and marketing communication. The data is used, for example, in the automatic distribution of bulletins, the SMS messaging service and the newsletter service. Avenala Technologies Oy sees to that the principles of the protection of privacy and personal data legislation are followed. The data is processed carefully and in confidence. The users of the Customer Register must sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Purpose of processing personal data (Purpose of the data file)

The personal data is used, in accordance with the applicable law, for maintaining and managing the customer relationships; for developing, producing, providing and offering services; and for invoicing, debt surveillance and statistical purposes. In addition, the data is used in advertising and marketing of products and services of Avenala Technologies Oy and the companies belonging to the same Group, in market research and in targeting direct marketing to the data subjects. The identification details are used in communications for purposes authorised by law. A data subject has the right to prohibit marketing directed at him/her media-specifically or completely.

Contents of the data file

The data file may contain the following information: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, employer and position of the data subject and/or details of the organisation; employer of the data subject and/or details of the organisation, including the relevant contact details; position, job description and personal areas of interest of the data subject and the customer’s use history.

Regular sources of information

Data is acquired directly from the customers over the telephone or by e-mail or, for the purposes of customer relationship management, with the aid of online forms or printable data forms. Furthermore, personal data is acquired from customer events. As regards customer service situations, the telephone conversations may be recorded and other forms of communication, such as e-mails, may be stored. In addition, personal data may be collected and updated from the data files of the product and service distributors of Avenala Technologies Oy and the companies in the same Group, the Finnish Population Information System, the direct marketing prohibition register maintained by the Finnish Direct Marketing Association, and other corresponding data files.

Data disclosure

Data is disclosed to each party concerned only to the extent that is necessary or issued in law. Such disclosure may concern, for example, disclosure of information about a release of debit/credit card details to the beneficiary of the payment, etc. Primarily, data is released in the form of technical recordings. No personal data is transferred outside the EU or EEA.

Protection of the data file

A. Some data in paper form is stored. The paper data forms are destroyed immediately after storing the data.
B. Avenala Technologies Oy is responsible for the user management. The servers are located in locked and supervised computer rooms. Avenala Technologies Oy ’s CEO is responsible for the supervision of the system use. User rights to the database are issued only to individually appointed staff members of Avenala Technologies Oy . User ID management is the responsibility of the person responsible for the user IDs.

Right of access

In accordance with section 26 of the Finnish Personal Data Act (523/1999), the customer has the right to examine information on him/her that is in the customer register. Whenever customers wish to exercise their right to examine, they must send a signed examination request to Avenala Technologies Oy at the address mentioned below. When submitting a request to examine, customers must give their name, address and telephone number. Avenala Technologies Oy will send a written response to the customer within 30 days of the date when the customer has come in person to Avenala Technologies Oy or counting from the date when the customer’s written request to examine has arrived at Avenala Technologies Oy .

If there are errors in the data concerning the customer, the customer can present a request to correct the error to Avenala Technologies Oy .

Right of refusal

The customer has the right to refuse to allow the register-keeper to process information on him/her for the purpose of direct advertising, distance sales and other direct marketing. The customer can indicate said refusal by making written notification to Avenala Technologies Oy at the address below.

Avenala Technologies Oy
Lyökkiniemi 11 A
FI-02160 Espoo


Data File Matters

Use of cookies

In order to enable Avenala Technologies Oy to improve the website, we gather certain information about you when you use the website and we save that information on our servers. This information includes details about your operating system, type of web browser, domain name and IP address, which URL you came from and go on to and what parts of the website you visit. This information is used primarily to improve the website and may also be shared with our trusted social media, advertising, and analytics partners.

Avenala Technologies Oy  might use “cookies” to make your use of the website easier during your visit. Cookies are small files containing a serial number that can identify you as a unique user and that are saved on your computer, so that we can then adapt our website to your requirements. This information helps us to keep track of what you are interested in, giving you quicker access to the information you are looking for. Most web browsers have a function that allows you to block the use of cookies. In some cases blocking cookies can make the website function less well, or not function at all, depending on the settings you have chosen for your web browser.